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Our philosophy

Yenne Kids' Academy (YKA) was born of the inspiring vision of its founders to create a school of excellence of international standards on the small coast of Yenne, Senegal. Since its inception, YKA has grown to become an open learning elementary campus, offering quality education to children aged 3 to 10. Our history is marked by our commitment to holistic education, rootedness in the culture of origin and openness to the world.


Our vision

At Yenne Kids' Academy, our vision is to develop young leaders who will shape Africa and the world of tomorrow, based on..:
- Quality education
- Stimulating curiosity
- Developed critical thinking


Our values

At YKA, we're guided by solid values, rooted in the company's - culture of origin
- Communitarianism
- solidarity
- respect for human integrity: a safe, inclusive environment where every student is respected and supported.


Our infrastructure

The YKA Campus complies with international standards.
- Stimulating and secure environment.
- Green Campus
- environmentally-friendly materials.
- Modern facilities
- optimized rooms
- arts and sports areas.
- Renewable energy, solar.


"Yenne Kids' Academy is more than a school, it's a real community where you feel like family. My children have progressed enormously thanks to the school's innovative pedagogical approach, which focuses on each student's natural talents and abilities."


Pedagogical approach

At YKA, our pedagogical approach is both unique and innovative, aiming to offer our students an exceptional educational experience. We have implemented an exceptional learner-centered educational approach, where classes are taught equally in English and French by our highly qualified native teachers. This linguistic immersion fosters a natural, fluent acquisition of both languages, preparing our students to be competent communicators in an increasingly interconnected world.


Community involvement

We strongly believe in the importance of being actively involved in our community. We regularly organize initiatives, events and partnerships that enrich the lives of our students and their families. Our goal is to create an inclusive and dynamic school environment, where the values of solidarity, respect and social responsibility are put into practice. We also encourage community service, offering students concrete opportunities to contribute positively to their environment and develop their sense of responsibility towards others.


Our network

We are proud of our local and international partnerships, which strengthen our educational program. Through these collaborations, we broaden the horizons of our students by offering them opportunities for cultural exchange, knowledge sharing and openness to the world. These partnerships enable us to enrich our programs, offer additional resources and prepare our students to become world citizens, aware of global issues and capable of adapting to diverse contexts.

For further information

We're here to help: Whether you need information about our programs, registration or any other question, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to help.
